Sakura BPO

MCA Basic with Script v1

Hi ? ()

Oh, Hi! This is . How are you doing today?

Good to hear! so I’m on a recorded line with American Funding Corp. and the reason why we are calling is we are pre-qualifying your business for our new funding program with NO cost and with NO obligation. You don’t have to put any collateral or personal guarantee. It’s easy and fast to get approved and get funded. If it’s OK with you, I just want to confirm some of your information and details and I can have you off the phone in less than 2 minutes only.

, you are the business owner / decision maker correct?
[If NO, disconnect] [If YES, continue]
Data Information
State and Zip:
OK great just some quick updates here… Any Judgments,TAX LIENS or Bankruptcies?…And if you do it’s NO BIG DEAL….I can definitely get you the money, I just need to know about it UPFRONT so that I can structure you PROPERLY and steer you in the right direction. *
AND youre depositing into a business checking account, right?
[If NO, disconnect] [If YES, continue]
Is that every month? *
If NO, then break down each of the last 3 months to determine an average. Avg must meet campaign minimum.

, there aren’t many lenders doing small amounts under $10,000. The GOOD NEWS is I do have a program that can get you up to THE MAX. I’ll send you an email and the ENTIRE QUOTING and approval is done ONLINE with funding tomorrow IF YOU WANT. [continue the call and ask next Q]

Would [DEPOSITS] work for you?
OK Great! I’ll need your email address please.
[If NO, disconnect] [If YES, continue]

This is unsecured funding. You don’t have to put any collateral or personal guarantee and we can offer you 100% of your monthly sales to start. Would a funding amount of [DEPOSITS] work for you?

Would [DEPOSITS] work for you?
AND if we need to send you information, do you have an email or fax?
[If NO, disconnect] [If YES, continue]


Phone Number (the number we have on file)

OK GREAT! So, what I’m going to do now is send an email to you. Its coming from Sakura BPO…….S-A-K-U-R-A……. I have your email as [verify the email address]. All you need to do is complete the online application and verify your income — ALL ONLINE. The underwriter will contact you AND THEN you can ask any questions you might have and YOU SHOULD be able to have funding by tomorrow. GOOD LUCK with everything ! Have a nice day. [SMALL LOAN – SUBMIT ONLY].


What I will do at this point is connect you to my funding advisor and they will let you know everything in detail so you can decide how to proceed, OK?


just stay on the line sir, your call is very important to us //REPEAT//

your call is getting connected, please stay on the line sir //REPEAT//

please stay on the line sir, your call is very important to us, I appreciate your patience //REPEAT//